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eseia International Summer School 2014 in Brasov, Romania

The application deadline for the upcoming eseia International Summer School has been extended until 20 June 2014.

You can download and follow the steps of the registration:

Here is a short description of the project:

Sustainable smart metropolitan regions of tomorrow

14 – 27 July 2014 at the Transilvania University of Brașov, Romania

The European Sustainable Energy Innovation Alliance is proud to announce the launch of its International Summer School to convene at the University of Brașov in Romania, 14-27 July 2014.

This two-week International Hands-On Summer School will focus on strong interactive lectures followed by discussions and debates in the morning, and hands-on activities in the afternoon. A specific module, under the coordination of EU experts, will focus on how you can turn your idea into a winning project.

Professionnal Visits

Participants will have the opportunity to visit:

  1. GENIUS the R&D Institute part of the new Green Energy. Independent University Campus, hosting 27 research centers that develop research of excellence targeting novel innovative high-tech products for sustainable energy solutions;
  2. Viessmann Company promoting sustainability;
  3. One of the largest PV parks in Europe.

More info: eseia