Events, News

Successful set-up of three additional Danube Transfer Centres

In the framework of Danube-INCO.NET project, Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum (SEZ) successfully conducted its Danube Transfer Centres (DTC) set-up visits. Objective of these set-up visits was the qualification of the responsible and involved persons of the respective DTC candidates. SEZ wanted to inform future DTC staff about the basic requirements and standards in DTC centre management as well as the art of proposal writing to ensure funding.

In total, SEZ has organised training sessions in three locations:

  1. University of Novi Sad (Serbia),
  2. University of Angel Kanchev in Ruse (Bulgaria) and
  3. Eko-Sustav Ltd. in Vukovar (Croatia).

These three DTC candidates had already signed agreements expressing their interest to establish DTCs on-site. The University Angel Kanchev in Ruse as well as Eko-Sustav Ltd. in Vukovar had signed a Letter of Intent at 2nd Annual EUSDR Forum, Bucharest (Romania), in October 2013. The University of Novi Sad had signed a Letter of Commitment at 1st Annual EUSDR Forum, Regensburg (Germany), November 2012 and a Memorandum of Understanding at 2nd Annual EUSDR Forum, Bucharest (Romania), October 2013.

In order to put into practice the ambitions expressed in these agreements, the partners started the preparations for a successful qualification of the future DTC staff. Together, SEZ and respective contact points have conducted an in-depth analysis of both the environment as well as the host organisation of the DTC candidates. For this, the founding members of each DTC candidate filled in the detailed and exhaustive questionnaire and submitted it in January 2015.

Based upon this analysis, the DTC candidates received especially aligned training sessions. Ms Daniela Chiran, project manager at SEZ visited the University of Angel Kanchev in the last week of February 2015 and Mr. Robert Gohla, senior project manager at SEZ visited the University of Novi Sad and Eko-Sustav Ltd in the first week of March 2015. Now, the above mentioned DTCs are informed about the basics in DTC centre management, the DTC network as well as the basics in proposal writing which can help a lot to ensure continuous funding. In the follow-up of each visit, SEZ and DTC partners identify together concrete next steps to operate as successful DTCs.