
School-Community Partnership for Reversing Inequality and Exclusion: Transformative Practises of Segregated Schools

The aim of the Inclusion4Schools project is to strive against the logic of exclusion in education and against the systemic (re)production of inequalities – insisting on a bottom-up strategy – in the context of segregated schools and communities.

The project aims to foster and promote pedagogical relations of inclusion, a culture of dialogue, and the transformation of unjust structures through education. Running in parallel to the research and innovation actions the central objectives of the proposed action are

  • to support and coordinate community schools (as being central to the constitution and maintenance of cohesive local communities) and their respective communities of practice, and
  • to create a place and culture of sharing (knowledge, praxis, solidarity) between such communities by initiating and coordinating the convergence and synergies of local, regional and transnational communities.

The expected impact of the proposed project is to contribute to the European initiatives and interventions that aim at reversing inequalities.

The project is realized within the framework of Horizon2020.

The consortium of the Inclusion4Schools project will cooperate side-by-side with the Horizon2020 – Research and Innovation Action projects from the Central European region.

You can follow the professional actions and the ongoing activities of the project on the following website:

Members of the Consortium
RCISDRegional Centre for Information and Scientific Development
Wesley CollegeJohn Wesley Theological College
C.E.G.A.C.E.G.A. Foundation
Selye UniversityJ. Selye University
OltalomOltalom Charity Society
ANOAAlbanian National Orphans Association