Events, News


Planning the update of the current report on “Mapping of stakeholders”, the task leader RCISD presented its results so far and several partners of the consortium and selected stakeholders mapped so far met on June 8, 2015 in Budapest in order to discuss and refine the recommendations and explore synergies.

The first Stakeholders Workshop was attended by several stakeholders from the Danube Region and beyond who were also subject to the report. Apart from presenting the results of the report by the Regional Centre for Information and Scientific Development (RCISD), stakeholders who fund programmes mainly in the field of education, research and innovation were asked to present their activities and join to the discussion on the respective parts of the policy recommendations.

The participants stressed that both, 1) horizontal activities and general networks (e.g. PA7, DRC) as well as 2) topic specific networks (e.g. CASEE) are of high importance for cooperation in and with the priority areas of the EUSDR. Their institutionalisation and cooperation was supported.

Special focus was put on dialogue within the triple helix, the harmonization of stakeholders’ priorities and broadening the scope of the existing initiatives. Importance of making information available on relevant calls, cooperation opportunities as well as on transferable good practices was stressed. Communication platforms of stakeholders and dialogue among stakeholders should be reinforced also with this regard. In relation to this, workshops organized further in the frame of the Danube-INCO.NET project will aim to support this.

Conclusions on the event will be available soon.

Presentations on the event are available here.

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